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Snow 10 cm
Snow -2 °C
Opening: 21.12.2024 -09.03.2025

The Moléson is considered the symbolic mountain of the Gruyère region and even of the canton of Fribourg. Its varied choice of activities will excite you, all within reach thanks to the Magic Pass.

The Moléson ski resort is the largest one in the Fribourg Alps. Five ski lifts service the 30 km of slopes. This ski resort is ideal for beginners and experienced skiers. The latter will love to venture down the Piste du Sommet, known by some as “Le Défi Fribourgeois” — a black run that promises an exceptional experience.

To enrich your experience, you can visit Dza, a wooden obstacles park, and a snow park tallied for newcomers to start dabbling with new sensations.

While you enjoy a break at the Le Sommet restaurant, perched at an altitude of 2000 m, admire the panoramic views of the Mont Blanc, Lake Geneva, the Three Lakes region, and the famous peaks of the Bernese Oberland all while sunbathing.

What you will find in Moléson

Suitable for children
Suitable for children
Petite station
Petite station
Red tracks
Red tracks
Black tracks
Black tracks
Blue tracks
Blue tracks
Summer/Winter Destination
Summer/Winter Destination
Summer destination
Summer destination
Ski resort
Ski resort