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Snow 17 °C
Rosswald été 2
Rosswald été 4
Rosswald été 6
Rosswald été 10
Rosswald été 7
Rosswald été 1
Rosswald été 3
Rosswald été 5
Rosswald été 9
Rosswald été 8
Opening: 15.06.2024 - 27.10.2024

Get to know Rosswald, a small resort in the canton of Valais. The village is completely pedestrian and extremely charming.

You will quickly fall in love with this resort if you like hiking. The trails are accessible to hikers of all levels. A few lead to an artificial lake with a panoramic view.

A six-hour hike through Europe's highest larch forest will test your stamina.

An enjoyable break awaits you at the Wasenalp restaurant at the end of the trail.

As a result of Magic Pass, Rosswald is soon to become your favorite destination for summer getaways.

What you will find in Rosswald

Suitable for children
Suitable for children
Petite station
Petite station
Blue tracks
Blue tracks
Black tracks
Black tracks
Summer/Winter Destination
Summer/Winter Destination
Summer destination
Summer destination
Ski resort
Ski resort